Spring has sprung and it’s time to come out and play! After all of the healing and subconscious work you’ve done during Pisces season, it’s time to show up and show the world what you can do! A flower doesn’t need to try hard to get what it needs, it simply blooms and attracts the bees to continue it’s cycle of growth. Your call to action is giving yourself what you need to grow. This Aries season is beckoning you to do it your way. Show up in your newest and truest form and bask in the attention you’ll garner from new connections and clientele. After all, you deserve it. Venus is in Taurus so we are perfectly poised to receive what we’ve been asking for since October. With Pluto dipping into Aquarius on March 23rd we’re ready for a taste of fresher, more pliable structures that are more in line with your newly elevated tastes and routines. Mars FINALLY shifts into Cancer on the 25th removing the go-go, overly informed, anxiety ridden transit of Mars in Gemini. We’ve been sitting in that energy since August so it’s high time that we pivot to an emotional, creative path that is restorative rather than analytical and scattered. Sharing is caring so make sure you are actively co creating with those who care about how you feel. Since Aries rules the 1st house, March 21st is officially when the new zodiacal year begins. Not only is the 21st the first day of Aries season, it’s also the new moon. Allow yourself to emerge out of your winter chrysalis, shake off the old ways and let your heart illuminate the path to your best and brightest year! Here’s a ritual that harnesses the power of fire to create some momentum for your fresh start.
Aries New Moon Ritual:
What you’ll need:
A Red, Green or Gold candle (all these colors align with the sign of Aries)
Incense, oils or sprays of your choice that are invoking or stimulating. (Palo Santo, Rosemary, Dragon’s blood and Random Ritual’s Roseblood Mist)
Any spring flowers, herbs or petals you’d like to place on your altar. I suggest cinnamon sticks, cloves, ginger, dried chilies and whatever is blooming locally.
A sheet of notepaper and a pen with red ink.
A thin dry twig, something that can easily be burned.
A fire safe area, fire pit, or fireproof dish where you can burn your twig and paper
Let’s get into it!
Below is a special reading from Krystal Visions for Aries Season.